From Our Clients
Kristen Moore
Fashion Model
I started training with Levi around 2009. He had me in the best shape and conditioning I have ever been in a very minimal amount of time. He has recently brought kettle bell training into his arsenal of ‘torture’. I must admit, the gains in strength I have had with using kettle bells, in the little amount of time I’ve been training with them is quite impressive. I’m thankful to have a RKC instructor that takes his training and instructing as serious as Levi does. He makes sure you are performing all movements in their correct form to make the most of every session. Looking forward to the next level…
I have been working with Levi for about 3 years or more now. When he brought this KB stuff to the house I thought he was crazy. But I have to tell you I have really enjoyed this knew move to the KB program and have never done workouts that really work the full body that he has introduced to us in the house. Just so you all no that it is Levi’s House that I speak of. Love the program and Levi does a great job at teaching the proper form and still makes it fun.
Joanna Foxx
Fashion Model
Felicity Trump
Fashion Model